Every company no matter it offers products or services wants to convey important information to consumers and advertisement is used as one form of marketing. Today the advancement in internet technology offers a good opportunity to new startup companies who do not have much budget to spare to advertise on paid channels.
Currently, small companies are using different social media platforms and free classified ad websites to post their free classified ad to save money which can be used in business. Though to many people idea of free advertisement websites may look untraditional a good number of businesses are utilizing this facility.

Currently, the number of free classified websites are popular but to be successful such websites must be designed in a planned manner first most important thing in classified ads website is every category of ads must be put in separate heads for it makes it easy for the user to open that category.
At the start, a website can have a small number of categories which can be basic like property, pets, products like beauty, dairy, etc. second most crucial thing is the location particularly if the classified ads are about the sale and purchase of property and it is good to include maps in the ad which must describe the exact location of the property.

Third one if the website is targeting to improve the ranks in Google or other search engines attention must be paid to the content in the website which must include target keywords. To target good ranks website must be optimized means content must be fresh and it must be edited from time to time.
If the target is to make website SEO optimize targeted keywords must be checked regularly to see which of the keywords are popularly used by customers. Other things that make the classified ads website successful are users must have free access to website and the design of the website must be simple so that everyone can understand the information included.

These days social media platform is also being used so every company or business should choose the media where the targeted group is more active if the company is targeting a young group audience then Facebook can be used because the younger generation is actively using Facebook.
Many other ways can be used to grab the attention of customers like using youtube, encouraging blog commenting, using guest blogging and allowing posting any query or comment on the forum.
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